www.drivingacademy.easyhostplace.net - www.autokoululiitto.fi - www.autokoulueco.fi - websitebuilder102.website.com/autokoulu - https://www.liikenneopetus.fi

Driving Academy - Driving school is the best place to learn to drive in Finland!
Check more driving training info.

In Finland driving training is based for examination system. We have not so much mandatory training lessons, but passing the driving test is not easy. Avaragely less than 60% pass tests at first time. So you can pass the test you must do enough training with experience driving school instructor.

B -passenger car driving license in Finland is valid for 15 years. A Person over 65 years old have to change to new license every 5th year. You can drive EU and ETA license in Finland.

passenger car


Driving Academy - Driving school is the best place to learn to drive in Finland!

www.drivingacademy.easyhostplace.net - www.autokoululiitto.fi - www.autokoulueco.fi - websitebuilder102.website.com/autokoulu - https://www.liikenneopetus.fi